Virtual Event: Rogue Reads
May 17, 2021—7pm ET/ 4pm PT
Rogue Reads welcome four amazing authors: Jeffrey Deaver, Hannah Mary McKinnon, Daniel Palmer and Kris Calvin on May 17 at 7:00 pm ET/4pm PT via Zoom. Lisa Black will act as MC. Come eat, drink, & ask questions! Authors will share insider stories, writerly tips, and dish the latest on their new books. Following a brief introduction each of our guests will talk about their work, and then read for about three minutes followed by Q&A. Register here. The first 100 who sign up to be in the virtual Zoom room will have the chance to ask questions live. Once registered you will be sent a link to use to log in. Everyone else can catch the event by clicking on Facebook Live, where you can ask questions via comments. The Rogues will be monitoring the chat throughout the evening, so come prepared. As a special treat, each of our guests has paired a favorite snack with their favorite drink providing a recipe for an enjoyable evening. Drinking will commence at the start of the show!